A peek inside my summer medicine cabinet - Culinary Therapy

A peek inside my summer medicine cabinet

While most of the “medicine” in my home is found in my kitchen and garden, it’s also great to have a well-stocked natural medicine cabinet for those times when you need extra support.

My natural medicine cabinet changes with the seasons, much like my wardrobe does 🙂

Summer staples include toxin-free favorites that will support my family’s outdoor needs. You’ll find everything from natural sunscreens to bug repellants to my best remedies for soothing summer scrapes and burns.

I’m happy to share my summer medicine cabinet with you.

Here are my favorite natural remedies:

  1. Toxin-free Sunscreen – Environmental toxins enter your body through your lungs, mouth, and skin. Protect your skin by choosing a natural sunscreen. My favorite brands include Badger and Aubrey Organics. To find out how well your sunscreen measures up, the environmental working group has a great free guide. Visit EWG.org for more information.
  2. Aloe Vera – Aloe vera is one of my very favorite remedies. Use it externally to soothe burns, rashes, poison ivy, and wounds. The antibacterial properties in aloe are also great for eczema and psoriasis. My labrador retriever dog is prone to heat rashes, and this works perfectly for him too. For the best aloe, purchase an aloe plant. We’ve had ours for years. Just snip off a leaf and use it when needed.
  3. Tea tree oil – A naturopathic doctor friend turned me on to tea tree oil. It has long been valued for its antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It’s healing for cuts and scrapes, acne, and fungal infections. Studies show it’s really effective in treating toenail fungus. I also use a drop of it on our toothbrushes once a week to naturally disinfect (your toothbrush is a breeding ground for bacteria).
  4. All Terrain Poison Ivy Bar – Perfect for carrying on your summer hikes and camping in the woods, All Terrain Poison Ivy Bars contain tea tree oil and oats to soothe and treat poison ivy or poison oak.
  5. Toxin-Free Bug Repellant  – Deet-free bug repellant is a must have. My favorite brands are Buzz Away Extreme and for easy bracelets the girls love, try Bugables.

Your Simple Action Plan:

Stock your natural medicine cabinet to support your health this summer.

When it comes to natural remedies, not all are created equal so be sure to read the label. Or try my favorite brands, here:

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