About - Culinary Therapy

Hey there! I’m Lisa.

Food has always been an integral part of my life. As a young girl, I remember sitting on the counter next to my mom as she prepared fresh ingredients for our family dinners. However, my understanding of food as a pathway to healing didn’t come until I experienced struggles with health in my own life.

In 2006, my daughters were diagnosed with sleep apnea at under three years old, which quickly became serious when my youngest stopped developing normally. Doctors’ recommendations for healing ranged from mildly invasive to pretty serious (jaw surgery or a CPAP machine for the rest of their lives).

Driven by my own intuition and unwavering drive to find a healthier alternative, we discovered a naturopathic doctor who helped us navigate the possibilities. We turned to food and nutrition, and it changed everything. I cleaned out my pantry, adjusted the girls’ diets, and three months later the sleep apnea resolved. My girls’ story was my first lesson in food as medicine. This knowledge developed into a passion which developed into a career. In 2008, I went back to school for nutrition. But my own personal health journey was just beginning…

My story

How I Healed My Body & Soul With Nutrition

My girls were healthy, but the stress of their health struggles led to chronic digestive problems for me. I then faced a two year battle with Lyme Disease and again, turned to food for healing. I had just completed studies in plant-based nutrition through Cornell University, and so embarked on a heavily plant-based raw foods diet. And yet, that wasn’t enough. 

I’m hungry for knowledge and practical wisdom, and so sought clarity through my studies. I went back to school in 2020 to complete graduate studies in functional nutrition. Functional nutrition is a personalized, holistic approach to health that emphasizes the use of food and nutrients to support your body’s optimal health. Unlike conventional nutrition, functional nutrition takes into account your unique genetics, lifestyle, health conditions and specific nutrient needs. Through my graduate work, I found answers to complex health questions both in my own health and in the unique health challenges of my clients. 

What I love most about food and nutrition is that it is both a science and an art. The art of nutrition sustained me through a difficult divorce. 

During that time, healthy, whole foods nourished me. Cooking became my meditation room and my way to heal and thrive. Through a combination of my formal nutrition studies and hours spent in the kitchen, I discovered the most effective way to eat for my unique needs. I used these insights to help others navigate their own health challenges, creating a personalized plan for healing not just for myself but for those I support as well.

Today I am truly comfortable in my own body, and live a very simple, health-supportive lifestyle. I enjoy cooking, good food, nature, and yoga. I love to hike and go for walks with my dog, Remy. And, I absolutely adore my two girls (eighteen and twenty years old). I value giving back and am always interested in advocating for a good cause. 

Through my education, personal experiences, and 15 years in private practice with clients, I’ve witnessed how profoundly transformative good nutrition can be. You’re not supposed to feel moody, tired, or have digestive upset all of the time! I can help you shift out of the dieting mindset and get to the root cause of the issues you are struggling with. My practice is truly dedicated to you, I am so glad you are here. 


My nutrition education began at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and I am a certified holistic health coach. I also am skilled in health-supportive cooking through the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food and Health in NYC.

Mushrooms Illustration


I studied plant-based medicine at Cornell and am certified as a functional nutrition counselor through the Functional Nutrition Alliance.


Over the years I have worked as both a cooking instructor and nutritionist while raising a family. I have been supporting women in private practice for over 15 years.


I completed my master’s degree in functional & clinical nutrition & am licensed as a certified dietician nutritionist (CDN); or CNS. I’m an active member of the American Nutrition Association & on the board of directors for SCWATEFI, a local non-profit to end food insecurity.

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