SOBA NOODLE STIR FRY - Culinary Therapy


Including a stir fry in your family kitchen is a great way to incorporate healthy vegetables in a new way.  The soba noodles make this version particularly appealing for kids.


1/2 head Nappa cabbage

16 baby carrots or 4 large carrots

1 head broccoli

1 onion

1 package tempeh* or or 1 – 2 organic skinless, boneless chicken breasts

tamari or shoyu to taste (soy sauce)

2 packages soba noodles (100% wheat free; found in the Asian section of your grocery store)


1.  Bring a pot of water to boil.  Add soba noodles and cook according to package directions.  Strain.

2.  While water is coming to a boil, coat bottom of a sauté pan with oil and turn to medium heat.

2. Chop carrots and broccoli. Add to the pan and cook for five minutes, or until slightly tender.

3. Add cubed chicken or tempeh and cook for another 2-3 minutes

4. Chop cabbage and onion.  Add to stir fry with a few shakes of soy sauce. Cook for another 2 minutes.

5. Cover, lower heat to medium low and cook until chicken is cooked and veggies are tender.

6.  Add cooked soba noodles to stir fry, mix, cover, and let sit on low for 5 minutes, allowing the flavors to mix.

6. Serve with additional soy sauce for added flavor.

*Tempeh is a fermented soybean cake.  There is a lot of conflicting information regarding consumption of soy products.  My recommendation is to stick with traditional, unprocessed, organic forms of soy like edaname, tempeh, miso and tamari.



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