Restorative Chicken Soup - Culinary Therapy

Restorative Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is the quintessential comfort food, healing for the body and, as they say, good for the soul.  This particular recipe is a family favorite originating in Italy.

1 whole hormone-free grass fed chicken
1 onion
16 baby carrots or 4 large carrots
3 celery ribs
1 handful fresh parsley
3 cloves
10 whole peppercorns
1 tbsp thyme
sea salt, to taste

for a nutritional boost: add 3 cloves of chopped garlic and 1/2 bunch of chopped kale (stems removed)

Rinse and cut the chicken.
Fill a large stock pot 3/4 full with water, add the chicken pieces, and bring to a boil.
After boiling for 3-5 minutes, skim off the foam that has risen to the surface.
Chop the vegetables and add them to the pot, along with the herbs and seasonings.
Reduce the heat to a simmer, cover partially, and cook for 3 hours.
Chicken can be removed, allowed to cool, cut from the bone, and then returned to the soup.

Extra soup can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days, or frozen for later use.  Short on time?  Vegetables and herbs can be added whole, then removed by straining prior to serving for a less hearty version.


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